I am a PhD student in Computer Science at the University of Arizona, where I’m advised by Kwang-Sung Jun. My research focuses on reinforcement learning and sequential decision-making. I hold a B.Sc. in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from the University of Moratuwa. During my undergraduate studies, I completed a summer internship at Nanyang Technological University under the supervision of Guohua Wang where I worked on blind channel equalization in the presence of co-channel interference.
Most recent publications on Google Scholar.
‡ indicates equal contribution.
Fixing the Loose Brake: Exponential-Tailed Stopping Time in Best Arm Identification
Kapilan Balagopalan‡, Tuan Ngo Nguyen‡, Yao Zhao‡, Kwang-Sung Jun
Arxiv'25: arXiv preprint. 2025.
Minimum Empirical Divergence for Sub-Gaussian Linear Bandits
Kapilan Balagopalan, Kwang-Sung Jun
AISTATS'25: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. 2025.
Blind Equalization in the Presence of Co-channel Interference Based on Higher-Order Statistics
Guohua Wang, Kapilan Balagopalan, Sirajudeen Gulam Razul, Shang-Kee Ting, Chong Meng Samson See
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing. 2018.
Fixing the Loose Brake: Exponential-Tailed Stopping Time in Best Arm Identification
Kapilan Balagopalan‡, Tuan Ngo Nguyen‡, Yao Zhao‡, Kwang-Sung Jun
Arxiv'25: arXiv preprint. 2025.
Minimum Empirical Divergence for Sub-Gaussian Linear Bandits
Kapilan Balagopalan, Kwang-Sung Jun
AISTATS'25: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. 2025.
Blind Equalization in the Presence of Co-channel Interference Based on Higher-Order Statistics
Guohua Wang, Kapilan Balagopalan, Sirajudeen Gulam Razul, Shang-Kee Ting, Chong Meng Samson See
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing. 2018.
Full Resume in PDF.